Category: Papers Samples on History

“‘Send Him,’ Quoted [Minos],’ to our infernal-king,/ To Doom Him as Best Seems His Majesty” (1.1.52-2). The Spanish Tragedy’s opening monologue contains these lines that introduce Thomas Kyd’s overarching question – the question of Don Andrea’s “doom”. In the Underworld, …

Between the events of history, there were so many other things that happened. Some events have been successful, while others have failed. In 1874 Reconstruction ended in Texas. This essay will list four successes as well as four failures during …

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was an inspirational leader who devoted his life to the pursuit of justice and peace. He fought for India’s independence, championing the principles of non-violence and civil disobedience. His genius for uniting people behind a common cause …

Revisionist historians claim that Hitler and Stalin were “modernist” dictatorships. They then revert back to the traditional views on totalitarianism. It is not possible to object to comparing Hitler/Stalin and their atrocities. There are many ways to compare totalitarianism. Hitler …

Ancient Mayans is an indigenous tribe of Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean that lived in 2600 B.C. Ancient Mayans had a strong religious belief. Architecture, art, mathematics and astronomical and mathematical systems have made the culture famous. Ancient Mayans …

At the beginning, Boccaccio’s Decameron has both male and woman narrators who hesitate to speak about sexual relations. Dioneo is the only narrator who introduces sex to the Florentines on Day 1. Dioneo is the first male narrator to emerge …

Justinian the Byzantine period

Lawler (7) says that the Byzantine Empire followed the fall of Roman Empire. Many emperors were trying to restore this glory. Justinian, one of these dynasties was among those who failed. Justinian is one of the …

Table of Contents

The past of California has been full of events which have shaped the state into what it is today. From its founding in 1849 to its modern-day reputation of being an epicenter of culture and technology, California’s …

After the Classical era, the Romantic period was born. It went against musical limitations and increased orchestral powers in order to illustrate extra ideas that were never embodied in music before. The French Revolution and its subsequent patriotic movements influenced …

Bolingbroke rebellion is a major influence on William Shakespeare’s Richard II. Prior to this revolt, the king’s position was that he was sacred, untouchable, and divinely-ordained. Despite King Richard’s grievous misdeeds, many noblemen deferred to the divine image of kingship. …