Do People Yawn When You Speak?

Gazza seldom gets the opportunity to be a role model. Though not particularly articulate, his continuous talking stands out when compared to other individuals from Newcastle, which is quite an achievement in its own right.

Recent research conducted by the Association of Colleges (AoC) revealed that approximately 60% of people residing in the North-East and the West Midlands feel extremely anxious about speaking in public. This figure is significantly higher than the 30% of Londoners who feel the same level of anxiety.

Big Brother’s resident psychologist, Judi James, who is now the face of BBC’s "Toolkit to Communication" series, noted that having confidence when speaking does not necessarily mean that one is more knowledgeable or coherent. Charisma, according to her, is a significant factor.

Such a lack of self-assurance when speaking has little to do with an accent and more to do with one’s background and education. Some schools encourage their students to speak out, while others tell them to remain quiet. Similarly, some families converse with each other, while others merely watch television.

The detrimental effects of shyness extend beyond just social situations, as recent research has shown that shyness can hold back one’s career. That is where James’s TV programme comes in, which covers different aspects of business communication such as assertiveness and cultural recognition.

James stressed that individuals’ confidence in communication can often be limiting, as they expect others to get bored before they have even spoken. A considerable aspect of her work involves practical training, such as teaching individuals to structure their thoughts beforehand, understand body language, and discern an audience’s reactions.

The AoC wishes that the TV show will encourage individuals to enroll in courses to enhance their communication skills. This demonstrates the demand that adults have for education and training, with 3.5 million adult students studying in colleges.

Even Gazza could benefit from a course or two to improve his communication skills. Maybe starting with a beginner’s course in Chinese could do the trick – that might even be the language he was speaking all along!


  • maliyahkirby

    I'm Maliyah Kirby, a 32yo educational blogger and student. I'm an avid reader and writer, and I love spending time with my family and friends.

maliyahkirby Written by:

I'm Maliyah Kirby, a 32yo educational blogger and student. I'm an avid reader and writer, and I love spending time with my family and friends.

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