The Reasons Why We Should Celebrate The Voyages Of Zheng He

Zheng He’s voyages, as the Chinese commander of a naval fleet, were unknown up until recently. Zheng He travelled along the China coastline and across Indian Ocean in seven journeys. These trips had three main goals: to build new trade relations, explore foreign lands, as well as show off how powerful China really was. Were Zheng He’s journeys worth celebrating? This essay attempts to answer the question. Zheng He brought peace and showed amazing leadership.

It was the Ming Dynasty’s golden age, which began in July 1405. Zheng He and his fleet set sail for India on the first of seven voyages. Zheng He’s journey, unlike the popular perception, was not peaceful. In fact, it was quite violent, just as Columbus’ journey would have been in the modern day.

It is important to recognize his journeys for bringing peace and gifts to South/Southeast Asia. It says, for example, that the document lists “Brava’s (East Africa), camels and Ostriches,” which is one of many gifts. They were showing kindness by giving Zheng He a gift. Document E states that the Emperor was pleased with their loyalty and sincerity. He ordered Zheng He to command several thousand imperial officers, soldiers, and other officials to travel to distant countries to give them gifts, demonstrating our power and treating distant peoples in kindness. It is clear that the purpose of their journeys was to bring gifts and peace among Southeast Asia. This helped to establish good relationships.

Those who excel in business and leadership are also worthy of praise.

To control 27,500 people seven times would require a lot of leadership. Document A shows seven voyages with dates and places. It states in the document that “Voyage 1” was a voyage from 1405-07 to Calicut. The Changle Inscription says, “The barbarians who came from far away, and even those whose language required double translation have all come to court with precious items and presents.” It is good to have trade influence. Many people disagree with the notion that Zheng He should be celebrated.

Many people believe that they invested too much in their fleets and were only prepared for warfare. Zheng He had more than 25 ships in his fleet, and according to Document B, Zheng He also had over 27,500 sailors. Columbus’ 3 ships were less than 1/5th of Zheng He’s ship of treasure. He had about 90 people as part of his crew – roughly 300 more than He. These statistics helped Him prepare for the future. The explorers knew the geography, but were unaware of any dangers that could await them. Columbus wasn’t ready and so the money was used for a worthy cause. The document C states, “26 803 people worked as soldiers, petty officials, sailors and other crew members. They were anchormen and horse groomers.

Zheng He’s voyages are worth celebrating because of all he did for Southeast Asia, including his peace, kindness, leadership and trade. Even if he is not remembered for his voyages, the world still should know what a great thing he accomplished.


  • maliyahkirby

    I'm Maliyah Kirby, a 32yo educational blogger and student. I'm an avid reader and writer, and I love spending time with my family and friends.

maliyahkirby Written by:

I'm Maliyah Kirby, a 32yo educational blogger and student. I'm an avid reader and writer, and I love spending time with my family and friends.

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